درباره Dr Mohammad Sadeghi
Phone: 09120392207
Problems with Digital Records Acceptance as a Reason, Issued – 2009, by Prof. Nezvara.
Digital Certification of Computer Records. Contemporary Legal and Economic Problems 2 (Europe) Publications, University of Osjak, as Legal and Economic Contemporary Issues II
Introduction to Microeconomics – Hormozgan University Publication
Law and Economic Efficiency – Hormozgan University Publication
New Law and Economic Development – University of Hormozgan Publications, Final Edition
What are the Law and why should they apply? From Ronald Durkin to Herbart Hart, Hormozgan University publication
Methodology of study of law science – Golbahar International University – Mashhad
* International Law and Economics for the Development of International Business Relations, Kish Business Forum
* Economic Analysis, Digital Law in the Third Millennium: Faculty of Law and Political Science – Mashhad
* Modern Law and Mind Focusing on Philosophy of Technology and Normative Economics Faculty of Law and Political Science – Lorestan / Khorramabad
How legal jurists think (Comrade Frank Jersey).
* Search Engines and the New Question of the Economic Law Society – Sarabaya University
* Google Civil Liability for Economic Property Infringement – Bandar Abbas Azad University
*Member of Faculty of Hormozgan University
* Member of the International Bar Association Technology Law Commission (London) 2010
* Referee of Osaka-Japan International Conference on Policy and Management
* Guest Speaker and Referee of the International Conference on Criminal Justice – US Department of Criminal Justice
* Reviewer of the Journal of International Law Research – Canada
* Principal Reviewer of the Book of Legal Policies Against Financial Crimes at Sarabaya University
* Professor of Public Economic Law at UPH University Australia-Indonesia
* Visiting Professor Surabuya University New Challenges in Economics of Senior and Doctoral Economics
* Member of the British Institute of International Law and Comparative Studies.
* Member of the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Research Group at Brunel University London
* Secretary of Resistance Economics Council of Hormozgan University
* Secretary of Hormozgan University Anti-Money Laundering Committee
* Head of Hormozgan University Scientific and International Cooperation Office
* Legal Adviser to the Persian Gulf Special Economic Zone
* Fighting Money Laundering Based on Economic Law Solutions – to be presented to the Indonesian Government and Iranian Research Fund
* Hormozgan Province Employment and Production Strategic Document with Resistance Economics Approach – Faculty Mobilization
* Non-Oil Export Development Document of Hormozgan Province – Organization of Industry and Mining
* Economic Chamber of Commerce Strategic Document – Chamber of Commerce
* Investigating and recognizing economic competitive advantages based on law and economics – Chamber of Commerce
* Economic Database – Chamber of Commerce
* Legal-economic analysis of barriers to foreign investment in the Gulf Special Economic Zone – Gulf Special Economic Zone
* Psychological Analysis – Law (Satisfaction)